Senin, 01 April 2013

0 Exploit Webserver to Root

#  ************************************************** !!! WARNING !!! ***********************************************************
#  *                                            FOR SECURITY TESTiNG ONLY!                                                      *
#  ******************************************************************************************************************************
#  * By using this code you agree that I makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, about the                  *
#  * accuracy, timeliness or completeness of this, including without limitations the implied warranties of                      *
#  * merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.                                                                      *
#  * I makes NO Warranty of non-infringement. This code may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.             *
#  * This code can never be copyrighted or owned by any commercial company, under no circumstances what so ever.                *
#  * but can be use for as long the developer, are giving explicit approval of the usage, and the user understand               *
#  * and approve of all the parts written in this notice.                                                                       *
#  * This program may NOT be used by any Danish company, unless explicit written permission from the developer .                *
#  * Neither myself nor any of my Affiliates shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect                *
#  * or punitive damages arising out of access to, inability to access, or any use of the content of this code,                 *
#  * including without limitation any PC, other equipment or other property, even if I am Expressly advised of                  *
#  * the possibility of such damages. I DO NOT encourage criminal activities. If you use this code or commit                    *
#  * criminal acts with it, then you are solely responsible for your own actions and by use, downloading,transferring,          *
#  * and/or reading anything from this code you are considered to have accepted the terms and conditions and have read          *
#  * this disclaimer. Once again this code is for penetration testing purposes only.                                            *
#  ******************************************************************************************************************************
#  Author/Developer:  Dennis Rand - CIRT.DK
#  Website: 
#  Copyright:         (c)2007 by Dennis Rand
#  Remember:          This program may NOT be used, published or downloaded by any Danish company, unless explicit written permission.
#                     This would be violation of the law on intellectual property rights, and legal actions will be taken.
#  Bugs/Features:     Report bug and/or features to
#  Thanks to:         Philippe Caturegli for all the nice feature ideas
# What this tool does:
#    Have you ever been auditing a system where files are stored on a web server and accessed without authentication directly
#    by an application that knows each file URL.
#    Have you tried a number of spider tools but they are based on links so they don't pull up anything.
#    CIRT.DK WebRoot is a Webserver auditing tools, that tries each and every combination (incremental)or a list of words from
#    a file, against the Webserver.
#    In short:
#    A Brute Forcing tool to discover hidden directories, files or parameters in the URL of a webserver.
# Usage:
#    Scan localhost port 80 search for 200 OK response at the url<BRUTE> incremental lowercase 1 to 3
#    characters.
# -host -port 80 -match "200 OK" -url "/admin/<BRUTE>" -incremental lowercase -minimum 1 -maximum 3
# Installation notes:
#    perl -MCPAN -e shell
#    cpan > install Bundle::LWP
#    cpan > install IO::Socket
#    cpan > install Getopt::Long
#    cpan > install Algorithm::GenerateSequence
#    cpan > install Net::SSLeay::Handle
#    cpan > install Time::HiRes
#    cpan > quit
# Clean a Wordfile before use to avoid doubles:
# cat Common.txt | sort | uniq > Temp.txt
# mv -f Temp.txt Common.txt
#    Make results go into an HTML Report           - COMPLETED
#    Make support for SSL                          - COMPLETED
#    Make support for Cookies                      - COMPLETED
#    Make support for recursive scan.              - COMPLETED
#    Make some sort of false positive check        - COMPLETED
#    Make Verbose mode for more output to screen   - COMPLETED
#    Make Debug mode for resolving problems        - COMPLETED
#    Make support for resuming a scan, if stopped  - COMPLETED
#    Make scanner use multi threats for speed.     - MISSING
#    Make support for POST bruteforcing.           - MISSING
#   Ideas, Features, and code updates, or error corrections please send to
# Version descriptions
#    Version 1.0
#       I'm back from scratch, this time I'm going to make it a bit better, but have patience.
#       For now results are only written to screen.
#    Version 1.1
#       We now have support for saving the scanning into an HTML file
#       Decide how many lines of output from the server goes into the report.
#    Version 1.2
#       More information added into the report start
#       Now WebRoot also supports scanning of a HTTPS connection.
#       The response in the report now shows the HTML
#    Version 1.3
#       Fixed a bug in the -diff and -match options.
#    Version 1.4
#       Added possibility to use -txt if you want the report in pure text
#       Added recursive scanning, so if you use -recursive, it will bruteforce deeper to search for more.
#       Added more information to the update function on what the new version are including.
#    Version 1.5
#       Added possibility to add referer to the hostheader, use eg. -referer
#       Added raw logging, pure text and only the word that got the hit, use -rawlog
#       Changed name of the text log -txt replaced with -txtlog
#       Added a "GUI" to the scanning.
#       Added False Positive Check to the scan to ensure the right result, and be disabled with -override
#       Added -debuglines for deciding how many lines of output to have in debug mode
#       Added -debug for scanning in debug mode to also see what is being sent and recieved.
#       Added -debugdelay for making a delay between each debug request
#       Added -Verbose scanning to see findings on screen as they are spotted.
#    Version 1.6
#       Fixed the issue if you do not choose -diff or -match it will by default be -diff
#       Instead of only being able to delay for seconds, now possible to delay for microseconds
#           1 second =  1000000 microseconds (Time::HiRes)
#       Fixed an error for recursive scan where we remote space and if there are errors in URL "/", "/ /", " /" or "/ "
#       Added the possibility to resume previous scans "-resume WebRoot-xxx-xxx.resume"
#    Version 1.7
#       Added funktionality so that the scan will not stop if server responds slow
#       Added timestamp to when a server does not respond or is dead, so it is possible to see when
#       Added the possibility to use "-noupdate" to avoid WebRoot checking for a new version at
#    Version 1.8
#       Changed the default progressbar to show how many tests made and how many sucessfully
#       Changed the HTML report so it supports more then just IE, also supporting FireFox and possible more.

use IO::Socket;
use Getopt::Long;
use Algorithm::GenerateSequence;
use Net::SSLeay::Handle qw/shutdown/;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);

$ver            = "1.8";
$copyright      = "(c)2007 by Dennis Rand - CIRT.DK";
$iconbase       = "";
$host           = "";
$port           = "80";
$user_agent     = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; WebRoot $ver)";
$command        = "GET";
$url            = "/<BRUTE>";
$http_version   = "HTTP/1.1";
$timeout        = "10";
$l_number       = 5;
$delay          = "0";
$debug_delay    = 3;
@lowerc         = ('a'..'z');
@upperc         = ('A'..'Z');
@integ          = ('0'..'9');
@spec           = ('.', '%', '-', '_', '&', '?', '#', '=', '@', '/', '\\', '\'');
@all            = (@lowerc, @upperc, @integ, @spec);
$sucess         = 0;
$total          = 0;
$timestampe     = localtime;
$rap_updates    = 0;
$recursive_f    = "WebRoot.Recursive.Scan";
$recursive      = 0;
$override_fp    = 0;
$failed         = 1;
$debug_lines    = 15;
$fp_check       = "WebRoot.$ver.FALSEPOSITIVECHECK.html";
$c              = "#";
$s              = "";
$ml             = 20;
$noresponse     = ": The server answers very slow or is dead ==> Retry number: ";


        "host=s"          => \$host,
        "port=i"          => \$port,
        "ssl"             => \$ssl,
        "timeout=i"       => \$timeout,
        "delay=i"         => \$delay,
        "incremental=s"   => \$incremental,
        "minimum=i"       => \$inc_minimum,
        "maximum=i"       => \$inc_maximum,
        "wordlist=s"      => \$wordlist,
        "url=s"           => \$url,
        "command=s"       => \$command,
        "different=s"     => \$diff,
        "match=s"         => \$match,
        "useragent=s"     => \$user_agent,
        "cookie=s"        => \$cookie,
        "referer=s"       => \$referer,
        "http_version=s"  => \$http_version,
        "reportlines=i"   => \$l_number,
        "saveas=s"        => \$log,
        "recursive"       => \$recursive,
        "txtlog"          => \$txt_log,
        "rawlog"          => \$raw_log,
        "override"        => \$override_fp,
        "debuglines=i"    => \$debug_lines,
        "verbose"         => \$verbose,
        "debug"           => \$debug,
        "debugdelay=i"    => \$debug_delay,
    "noupdate"        => \$noupdate,
        "resume=s"        => \$resume,
        "help|?"          => sub {
        print "\n" x 2;
        print "\t\too00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00\n";
        print "\t\to          Webserver Bruteforcing $ver          o\n";
        print "\t\t0  ************* !!! WARNING !!! ************  0\n";
        print "\t\t0  ******* FOR PENETRATION USE ONLY *********  0\n";
        print "\t\t0  ******************************************  0\n";
        print "\t\to       $copyright       o\n";
        print "\t\too00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00\n\n";
        print "\t\t Basic settings\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -host\t\t Set the host ip or hostname to scan\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -port\t\t Set the port where the webserver are located\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -timeout\t Set a maximum timeout for each try\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -delay\t Set a delay between each attempt (Microseconds)\r\n";
        print "\r\n";
        print "\t\t Scanning options\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -incremental\t Set if the scanning has to bruteforce\r\n";
        print "\t\t   use with \"lowercase\", \"uppercase\", \"integer\", \"special\ or \"all\"\r\n\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -minimum\t Set the min chars for the incremental scan\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -maximum\t Set the max chars for the incremental scan\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -wordlist\t Set if a wordlist is supplied\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -url\t\t Set the URL to bruteforce.\r\n";
        print "\t\t   Use <BRUTE> where you want the bruteforcing\r\n";
        print "\r\n";
        print "\t\t Advanced scanning options\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -diff\t\t If the result has to be different, from the response(Default)\r\n";
        print "\t\t   use with \"404 File not found\" and it will find anything NOT matching in the response \r\n\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -match\t\t If the result has to match the response\r\n";
        print "\t\t   use with \"200 OK\" and it will find anything matching\r\n\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -command\t Set the HTTP command if not GET\r\n";
        print "\t\t   Remeber you can also use <BRUTE> in this field\r\n\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -useragent\t Enter your own useragent\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -cookie\t Enter a cookie value\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -referer\t If you want a Referer in the header\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -http_version\t If you want to use anything other then HTTP/1.1\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -recursive\t Make WebRoot scan recursively when scanning for directories\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -override\t Override the False Positive Check - NOT A GOOD IDEA\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -resume\t Resume a previous scan\r\n";
          print "\t\t  -noupdate\t Do not check for updates of WebRoot\r\n";
        print "\r\n";
        print "\t\t Report options\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -saveas\t Save report as defines name\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -txtlog\t Save report in pure text format\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -rawlog\t Save report in pure text, and only includes the specific hit\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -reportlines\t Amount of lines output from webserver to put into report (ONLY HTML)\r\n";
        print "\r\n";
        print "\t\t Visual options\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -verbose\t Show findings on the screen\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -debug\t Shows some of the output to screen, so we can search for specific elements\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -debugline\t Decide how many lines to be in output from debugging - Default: $debug_lines\r\n";
        print "\t\t  -debugdelay\t Delay between each request made in debug mode - Default: $debug_delay\r\n";


print "\r\n\r\n";
print " oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00\n";
print " o          Webserver Bruteforcing $ver          o\n";
print " 0  ************* !!! WARNING !!! ************  0\n";
print " 0  ******* FOR PENETRATION USE ONLY *********  0\n";
print " 0  ******************************************  0\n";
print " o       $copyright       o\n";
print " oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00\n\n"; 

# Cleanup Recursive list from earlier scans
# Resume a previous scan
   print " [X] Resuming previous scan"; 
   foreach (split(/,/, $resume))
      if (-f $_)
         open(_RESUMEFILE, $_);
         while (<_RESUMEFILE>)
            $host            = $' if (/^host=/);
            $port            = $' if (/^port=/);
            $ssl             = $' if (/^ssl=/);
            $timeout         = $' if (/^timeout=/);
            $delay           = $' if (/^delay=/);
            $incremental     = $' if (/^incremental=/);
            $inc_minimum     = $' if (/^minimum=/);
            $inc_maximum     = $' if (/^maximum=/);
            $wordlist        = $' if (/^wordlist=/);
            $url             = $' if (/^url=/);
            $command         = $' if (/^command=/);
            $diff            = $' if (/^diff=/);
            $match           = $' if (/^match=/);
            $user_agent      = $' if (/^useragent=/);
            $cookie          = $' if (/^cookie=/);
            $referer         = $' if (/^referer=/);
            $http_version    = $' if (/^httpversion=/);
            $l_number        = $' if (/^linenumbers=/);
            $log             = $' if (/^saveas=/);
            $recursive       = $' if (/^recursive=/);
            $txt_log         = $' if (/^txtlog=/);
            $raw_log         = $' if (/^rawlog=/);
            $override_fp     = $' if (/^overridefp=/);
            $debug_lines     = $' if (/^debuglines=/);
            $verbose         = $' if (/^verbose=/);
            $debug           = $' if (/^debug=/);
            $debug_delay     = $' if (/^debugdelay=/);
            $total           = $' if (/^total=/);
            $sucess          = $' if (/^sucess=/);
            $recu            = $' if (/^recustate=/);
            $resumestart     = $' if (/^resumestart=/);
            $scantype        = $' if (/^scan=/);
      print "\t\t FAILED '$resume' could not be found\n\r\n";

   print "\t\t - OK\r\n";

sub wresume
   $endtime = localtime;
   $resumefile = "WebRoot-".$total."-".$sucess.".resume";
   print " [X] Writting Resume file\t\t - OK";
   if ($incremental)
        open(FILE, ">", $resumefile);
print FILE "scan=$scantype\nincremental=$incremental\nminimum=$inc_minimum\nmaximum=$inc_maximum\n";
print FILE "host=$host\nport=$port\nssl=$ssl\ntimeout=$timeout\ndelay=$delay\nurl=$url\ncommand=$command\ndiff=$diff\nmatch=$match\nuseragent=$useragent\n";
print FILE "cookie=$cookie\nreferer=$referer\nhttpversion=$http_version\nlinenumbers=$l_number\nsaveas=$log\nrecursive=$recursive\ntxtlog=$txt_log\n";
print FILE "rawlog=$raw_log\noverridefp=$override_fp\ndebuglines=$debug_lines\nverbose=$verbose\ndebug=$debug\ndebugdelay=$debug_delay\n";
print FILE "total=$total\nsucess=$sucess\nresumestart=$found\n";
close FILE;
if ($wordlist)
        open(FILE, ">", $resumefile);
        print FILE "scan=$scantype\nwordlist=$wordlist\n";
        print FILE "host=$host\nport=$port\nssl=$ssl\ntimeout=$timeout\ndelay=$delay\nurl=$url\ncommand=$command\ndiff=$diff\nmatch=$match\nuseragent=$useragent\n";
        print FILE "cookie=$cookie\nreferer=$referer\nhttpversion=$http_version\nlinenumbers=$l_number\nsaveas=$log\nrecursive=$recursive\ntxtlog=$txt_log\n";
        print FILE "rawlog=$raw_log\noverridefp=$override_fp\ndebuglines=$debug_lines\nverbose=$verbose\ndebug=$debug\ndebugdelay=$debug_delay\n";
        print FILE "total=$total\nsucess=$sucess\nresumestart=$found\n";
        close FILE;
print "\n     To restart use: -resume $resumefile\r\n\r\n ";
print "oo00" x 12, "\r\n\r\n";

   if ($port >= 0 and $port <= 65535){} else { print "Error: Port number invalid, please use from 1-65535\r\n"; exit;}
   if (($inc_minimum) > ($inc_maximum)) {print "Error: The Maximum are larger then the Minimum\r\n"; exit;}
   if (!$inc_minimum){$inc_minimum = "1"};
   if (!$inc_maximum){$inc_maximum = "3"};
   $r_url   = $url; 

# Check for updates at
sub ChkUpdates
   $| = 1;
   $updates = IO::Socket::INET->new(
   Proto    => "tcp",
   PeerAddr => "",
   PeerPort => "80",
   Reuse    => 1,
   Timeout  => 10,) || print "\t\t - NO ROUTE\r\n";

print " [X] Checking for updates";
if (!$resume)
      $response = undef;
      print $updates "GET /tools/webroot/wr_update.txt HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (WebRoot Update Check)\r\n\r\n";
            if(!defined($response)){$response = $_;}
            $result .= $_;
      if ($result =~ m/200 OK/mgsi)
         if($result !~ m/$ver/mgsi)
            ($result) = $result =~ m/Update_Info:\s+(.*)/;
            $result   =~ s/<CN>/\r\n\t/g;
            print "\t\t - FOUND\r\noo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00\r\nINFORMATION:\r\nCIRT.DK WebRoot scanner has been updated, get the latest version at\r\nUpdate includes following features: $result\r\nThe scan will continue in 5 seconds\r\noo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00\r\n";
            $rap_updates = 1;
            print "\t\t - NO UPDATES\r\n";
      print "\t\t - NO CHECK\r\n";
   print "\t\t - NO CHECK\r\n";
# Catch Interupt - CTRL + C

sub catchInterrupt {
  $SIG{INT} = sub {exit;};
  print "\n [X] Stopping scan\t\t\t - OK\n";

$SIG{INT} = \&catchInterrupt;

# verify that interrupt handler was installed properly

unless(defined($SIG{INT})){print "Unable to install signal handler, contact $copyright";}
unless($SIG{INT} == \&catchInterrupt){print "There was an unexpected error installing the signal handler, contact $copyright";}

#  Hexencoding for the HTML report
sub hexencode
   $unencoded = $_[0];
   $encoded = "";
   foreach my $char (split(//,$unencoded))
      $encoded .= sprintf("%02x",ord($char));
   return $encoded;

#  Lets create the host header
$hostheader  = "Accept: */*\r\n";
$hostheader .= "Accept-Language: en\r\n";
   $hostheader .= "Referer: $referer\r\n";
$hostheader .= "User-Agent: $user_agent\r\n";
$hostheader .= "Host: $host\r\n";
   $hostheader .= "Cookie: $cookie\r\n";
$hostheader .= "Connection: Close\r\n";

# False Positive Check to be made at the beginning of every scan
      print " [X] Checking for False Positive Scan";
      $response_fpcode = undef;
      $fp_true = 0;
      $uri             = $url;
      $uri             =~ s/<BRUTE>/$fp_check/g;
      $uri             =~ s/\/\//\//g;
            tie(*SSL, "Net::SSLeay::Handle", $host,$port);
         print SSL "$command $uri $http_version\r\n$hostheader\r\n\r\n";
         shutdown(\*SSL, 1);
            if(!defined($response_fpcode)){$response_fpcode = $_;}
            $falsepositive .= $_;
        print STDERR "\r\n [X] There is no webserver at $host and port $port\r\n\r\n\r\n";
            print $remote "$command $uri $http_version\r\n$hostheader\r\n\r\n";
            while (<$remote>)
               if(!defined($response_code)){$response_code = $_;}
               $falsepositive .= $_;
         if($falsepositive =~ m/$match/mgsi) {$fp_true = 1;}
         if($falsepositive !~ m/$diff/mgsi) {$fp_true = 1;}
         print "\t - ERROR\r\n";
         print "     $command $uri $http_version\r\n\r\n";
         my @lines = split(/\n/,$falsepositive);
         my $firstlines;
         for(0 .. $debug_lines)
            $firstlines .= $lines[$_];
            print "     Line $_ $lines[$_]\n";
         print "\n ", "oo00" x 12, "\n [X] Scanning Cancled\t\t\t - OK\n ", "oo00" x 12, "\r\n\r\n";
      print "\t - OK\r\n";
#  Write start of logfile
sub start_log
            $log = "WebRoot_Scanner_".$host."_".$port.".raw";
         open(FH, ">", $log);
      if (!$log)
         $log = "WebRoot_Scanner_".$host."_".$port.".txt";
      open(FH, ">", $log);
      print FH "\t\too00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00\n";
      print FH "\t\to          Webserver Bruteforcing $ver          o\n";
      print FH "\t\t0  ************* !!! WARNING !!! ************  0\n";
      print FH "\t\t0  ******* FOR PENETRATION USE ONLY *********  0\n";
      print FH "\t\t0  ******************************************  0\n";
      print FH "\t\to       $copyright       o\n";
      print FH "\t\too00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00\n";
      print FH "\n\tooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOoo\n\n";
      print FH "\tHost: $host\r\n";
      print FH "\tPort: $port\r\n";
         print FH "\thttps://$host:$port$r_url\n";
         print FH "\thttp://$host:$port$r_url\n\r\n";
      if ($incremental) 
         print FH "\tIncremental: $incremental\r\n";
         print FH "\tMinimum: $inc_minimum\r\n";
         print FH "\tMaximum: $inc_maximum\r\n\r\n";
      if ($wordlist) 
         print FH "\tWordlist: $wordlist\r\n\r\n";
         print FH "\tResult has to match: $match\r\n";

         print FH "\tResult has to be different from: $diff\r\n";
      if ($recursive)
         print FH "\tUsing recursive scan\r\n";
      print FH "\r\n\tScan Started: $timestampe";
         print FH "\r\n\tThis scan was preformed with an outdated version of WebRoot,\r\n\t get the latest version from";
      print FH "\n\tooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOoo\n\n";
      $r_url   =~ s/</&lt;/g;
      $r_url   =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
      if (!$log)
         $log = "WebRoot_Scanner_".$host."_".$port.".html";
      open(FH, ">", $log);
      print FH "<!-- \r\n";
      print FH "     Remember if you are a Danish company, \r\n";
      print FH "     and does not have explicit written permission,\r\n";
      print FH "     you are in violation of the law on\r\n";
      print FH "     intellectual property rights\r\n";
      print FH "-->\r\n\r\n";
      print FH "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>CIRT.DK WebRoot Security Scanner Version $ver</TITLE>\n<BODY BGCOLOR=white>\n";
      print FH "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>\n";
      print FH "function ExpandIt(objMenu,objImage)\n";
      print FH "{\n";
      print FH "   if ( == \"none\")\n";
      print FH "   {\n";
      print FH " = \"\";\n";
      print FH "      objImage.src = \"\";\n";
      print FH "   }\n";
      print FH "   else\n";
      print FH "   {\n";
      print FH " = \"none\";\n";
      print FH "      objImage.src = \"\";\n";
      print FH "   }\n";
      print FH "}\n";
      print FH "</SCRIPT>\n\n";
      print FH " <style type=\"text/css\">\n";
      print FH "<!--\n";
      print FH "   .inp  { font-family: monospace; background-color: Black; color: Black;}\n";
      print FH "   a.nav { text-decoration:none}\n";
      print FH "   a.nav:hover {color: Black}\n";
      print FH "//-->\n";
      print FH "</style>\n\n";
      print FH "<!-- \r\n";
      print FH "     Remember if you are a Danish company, \r\n";
      print FH "     and does not have explicit written permission,\r\n";
      print FH "     you are in violation of the law on\r\n";
      print FH "     intellectual property rights\r\n -->\r\n\r\n";
      print FH "</HEAD>\n";
      print FH "</HEAD>\n";
      print FH "<TABLE WIDTH=90% BGCOLOR=white CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 BORDER=0>\n<TR>\n<TD>\n<CENTER>\n<FONT FACE=Tahoma COLOR=black SIZE=+2><B>CIRT.DK WebRoot Version $ver</B></FONT>\n</LEFT>\n</TD>\n</TABLE>\r\n";
      print FH "<TABLE WIDTH=90% BGCOLOR=white CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 BORDER=0>\n<TR>\n<TD>\n<CENTER>\n<FONT FACE=Tahoma COLOR=black SIZE=1><B>$copyright</B></FONT>\n</LEFT>\n</TD>\n</TABLE>\r\n";
      print FH "<TABLE WIDTH=90% BGCOLOR=white CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 BORDER=0>\n<TR>\n<TD>\n<CENTER>\n<FONT FACE=Tahoma COLOR=black SIZE=1><B><A HREF=\"\"></A></B></FONT>\n</LEFT>\n</TD>\n</TABLE>\n<BR>\r\n";
      print FH "<TABLE WIDTH=90% BGCOLOR=black CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 BORDER=0>\n<TR>\n<TD>\n<CENTER>\n<FONT FACE=Tahoma COLOR=white SIZE=+1><B>Audit Rapport for $host port $port</B>\n</FONT>\n</LEFT>\n</TD>\n</TABLE>\n<BR>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B><CENTER>This scan was run with an outdated version of WebRoot, get the latest version from</B>\r\n</CENTER><BR>\r\n";
      print FH "\r\n";
      print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
      print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
      print FH "       <B>Host:</B>\r\n";
      print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
      print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
      print FH "  <B>$host</B>\r\n";

      print FH "\r\n";
      print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
      print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
      print FH "       <B>Port number:</B>\r\n";
      print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
      print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
      print FH "       <B>$port</B>\r\n";
      print FH "    </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
      print FH "  </TR>\r\n";
      print FH "\r\n";

      if ($incremental) 
         print FH "\r\n";
         print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B><BR>Incremental:</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B><BR>$incremental</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
         print FH "  </TR>\r\n";
         print FH "\r\n";
         print FH "\r\n";
         print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B>Minimum:</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B>$inc_minimum</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
         print FH "  </TR>\r\n";
         print FH "\r\n";

         print FH "\r\n";
         print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B>Maximum:</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B>$inc_maximum<BR></B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
         print FH "  </TR>\r\n";
         print FH "\r\n";
      if ($wordlist) 
         print FH "\r\n";
         print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B><BR>Wordlist:</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B><BR>$wordlist<BR></B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
         print FH "  </TR>\r\n";
         print FH "\r\n";

         print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B><BR>Using SSL:</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B><BR>TRUE</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
         print FH "  </TR>\r\n";
      print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
      print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
      print FH "       <B><BR>Bruteforce:</B>\r\n";
      print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
      print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B><BR>https://$host:$port$r_url</B>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B><BR>http://$host:$port$r_url</B>\r\n";
      print FH "    </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
      print FH "  </TR>\r\n";

         print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B>Result has to match:</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B>$match</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
         print FH "  </TR>\r\n";

         print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B>Result has to be different from:</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B>$diff</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
         print FH "  </TR>\r\n";

         print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B><BR>Using Recursive scanning option</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
         print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
         print FH "       <B><BR>TRUE</B>\r\n";
         print FH "    </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
         print FH "  </TR>\r\n";
      print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
      print FH "    <TD>\r\n";
      print FH "       <B>Scan Started:</B>\r\n";
      print FH "    </TD>\r\n";
      print FH "    <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
      print FH "       <B>$timestampe</B>\r\n";
      print FH "    </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
      print FH "  </TR>\r\n";

      print FH "</TABLE>\r\n";
      print FH "<BR><TABLE WIDTH=90% BGCOLOR=black CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 BORDER=0><TR><TD><CENTER><FONT FACE=Tahoma COLOR=white SIZE=+1><B>Audit Results</B></FONT></LEFT></TD></TABLE>\r\n";
      print FH "\r\n";
#  Write results to logfile
sub write_log
   $b64name  =  hexencode("$uri");
   $timestamp = localtime;
   open(FH, ">>", $log);
      print FH "$brute\r\n";
         print FH "\t$timestamp\t\=> https://$host:$port$uri\r\n";
         print FH "\t$timestamp\t\=> http://$host:$port$uri\r\n";
      $html_hostheader = $hostheader;
      $html_hostheader =~ s/\r\n/<BR>/g;
      print FH "\r\n";
      print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
      print FH "     <TD>\r\n";
         print FH "         <B><A HREF=\"https://$host:$port$uri\">https://$host:$port$uri<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"></FONT></A></B><BR>\n";
         print FH "         <B><A HREF=\"http://$host:$port$uri\">http://$host:$port$uri<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"></FONT></A></B><BR>\n";
      print FH "          <DIV onClick=\"ExpandIt(menuCompany0$b64name,imgCompany0$b64name);\" CLASS=\"H2\">\n";
      print FH "          <IMG SRC=\"$iconbase/icons/folder.gif\" WIDTH=\"9\" HEIGHT=\"9\" ID=\"imgCompany0$b64name\">\n";
      print FH "          <FONT SIZE=\"2\" COLOR=Black style={cursor:hand;}><B>Sent/Recieved Data</B><BR></FONT></DIV>\n";
      print FH "          <SPAN ID=\"menuCompany0$b64name\" STYLE=\"display: none\"><FONT SIZE=1>\n";
      print FH "          <B><LI>Data sent to Server:</B><BR>\n";
      print FH "        $command $uri $http_version<BR>$html_hostheader<BR><BR>";
      print FH "          <B><LI>Response from Server:</B><BR>\n";

      $result   =~ s/</&lt;/g;
      $result   =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
      my @lines = split(/\n/,$result);
      my $firstlines;
      for(0 .. $l_number)
         $firstlines .= $lines[$_];
         print FH "$lines[$_]<BR>\r\n";
      print FH "          </font></SPAN><DIV onClick=\"ExpandIt(menuCompany0$b64name,imgCompany0$b64name);\" class=\"H2\"></font></SPAN></font>\n";
      print FH "          <HR>\r\n";
      print FH "     </TD>\r\n";
   close (FH);

#  Write end to logfile
sub end_log
   $timestamp = localtime;
   open(FH, ">>", $log);
      print FH "\n\tooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOoo\r\n"; 
      print FH "\tThe Scan completed: $timestamp\r\n";
      print FH "\tPossible findings: $sucess\r\n";
      print FH "\tTotal attempts: $total\r\n";     
      print FH "\tooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOoo\r\n";       
      print FH "\r\n";
      print FH "  </TABLE>\r\n";
      print FH " \r\n\r\n";
      print FH "<BR><TABLE WIDTH=90% BGCOLOR=black CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 BORDER=0><TR><TD><CENTER><FONT FACE=Tahoma COLOR=white SIZE=+1><B>Rapport Summary</B></FONT></LEFT></TD></TABLE><BR>\r\n";
      print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
      print FH "     <TD>\r\n";
      print FH "         <B>The Scan completed:</B>\r\n";
      print FH "     </TD>\r\n";
      print FH "     <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
      print FH "         <B>$timestamp<B>\r\n";
      print FH "     </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
      print FH "  </TR>\r\n";
      print FH "\r\n";

      print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
      print FH "     <TD>\r\n";
      print FH "         <B>Possible findings:</B>\r\n";
      print FH "     </TD>\r\n";
      print FH "     <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
      print FH "         <B>$sucess<B>\r\n";
      print FH "     </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
      print FH "  </TR>\r\n";
      print FH "\r\n";

      print FH "  <TR>\r\n";
      print FH "     <TD>\r\n";
      print FH "         <B>Total attempts</B>\r\n";
      print FH "     </TD>\r\n";
      print FH "     <TD><LEFT>\r\n";
      print FH "         <B>$total<B>\r\n";
      print FH "     </LEFT></TD>\r\n";
      print FH "  </TR>\r\n";
      print FH "\r\n";
      print FH "</TABLE>\r\n";
      print FH "\r\n";
      print FH " <BR><TABLE WIDTH=90% BGCOLOR=black CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 BORDER=0><TR><TD><CENTER><FONT FACE=Tahoma COLOR=white SIZE=1><B>$copyright</B></FONT></LEFT></TD></TABLE><BR><BR>\r\n";
      print FH " </BODY>\r\n";

      print FH "<!-- \r\n";
      print FH "     Remember if you are a Danish company, \r\n";
      print FH "     and does not have explicit written permission,\r\n";
      print FH "     you are in violation of the law on\r\n";
      print FH "     intellectual property rights\r\n";
      print FH "-->\r\n\r\n";
      print FH "</HTML>\r\n";
   close (FH);

# Save findings into for Recursive scanning

sub recursive_learn
      open(RECU_LEARN, ">>", $recursive_f);
      print RECU_LEARN "$brute/\r\n";
      close RECU_LEARN;

# Scan using Recursive
   if (-f $recursive_f)
      open(RECU, ">", $recursive_f);
      print RECU "\n";

sub recursive_scan
   $recursive = 1;
   open(_RECU, $recursive_f);
   while (<_RECU>)
      $recu = $_;

if ($incremental)
   $scantype = 0;
   @choice = split(/,/, $incremental);
   print " [X] Using Incremental"; 
   foreach $inc_input (@choice)
      if    ($inc_input eq "lowercase") {@do_choice = @lowerc;}
      elsif ($inc_input eq "uppercase") {@do_choice = @upperc}
      elsif ($inc_input eq "integer")   {@do_choice = @integ}
      elsif ($inc_input eq "special")   {@do_choice = @spec;}     
      elsif ($inc_input eq "all")       {@do_choice = @all;break;}     
         print "\t\t\t - FAILED\n";
         print "     Error: You have to specify the -incremental with lowercase, uppercase, integer, special or all\r\n\r\n"; exit;
   print "\t\t\t - OK\n";
   print " [X] Starting Scan\t\t\t - OK\n";
   if(!$recursive || $recursive eq "0")
      &recursive_scan ;

sub incremen
   $start_pos = ($inc_minimum - 1);
      my $len = $start_pos;
      my $gen = Algorithm::GenerateSequence->new(
      map {[@do_choice]} (0 .. $len)
      local $" = "";
      while(my @c = $gen->next)
         $brute           = $recu;
         $brute          .= join("",@c);
         $uri             = $url;
         $uri             =~ s/<BRUTE>/$brute/g;
         $uri             =~ s/\/\//\//g;
         $uri             =~ s/ \//\//g;
         $uri             =~ s/\/ /\//g;
         $found           = $brute;
   } until ($start_pos >= $inc_maximum);

if ($wordlist)
   $scantype = 1;
   print " [X] Using Wordlist";
   print "\t\t\t - OK\n";
   print " [X] Starting Scan\t\t\t - OK\n";
   if((!$recursive) || ($recursive = 0))

sub wordlst
   foreach (split(/,/, $wordlist))
      if (-f $_)
         open(_FILE, $_);
         while (<_FILE>)
            $brute           = $recu;
            $brute          .= $_;
            $uri             = $url;
            $uri             =~ s/<BRUTE>/$brute/g;
            $uri             =~ s/\/\//\//g;
            $uri             =~ s/ \//\//g;
            $uri             =~ s/\/ /\//g;
            $found           = $brute;
         print "     The wordfile you are trying to use: '$_' could not be found\n";
         print " -help or -?' for more information.\n\n";

# The connection are setup here.
sub connection
   $| = 1;
   $remote  = IO::Socket::INET->new(
   Proto    => "tcp",
   PeerAddr => $host,
   PeerPort => $port,
   Reuse    => 1,
   Timeout  => $timeout,)

# Let the bruteforcing begin
sub bruteforcing
   if ($resume)
      if ($brute eq $resumestart)
   $firsttimeout = 0;
   if ($resumereached eq "1" || !$resume)
      $success_true = 0;
      $result = "";
      $response_code = undef;
      while(!defined $remote)
         if(!defined $remote)
               print STDERR "\r [X] $whattime$noresponse" . $failed++ ;
               sleep 5;
           $firsttimeout = 1;
               $whattime = localtime;
               print STDERR "\r [X] $whattime$noresponse" . $failed++ ;
               sleep 5;
                  $firsttimeout = 1;
         print "\r\n";
     $failed = 1;
      $firsttimeout = 0;
            tie(*SSL, "Net::SSLeay::Handle", $host,$port);
         print SSL "$command $uri $http_version\r\n$hostheader\r\n\r\n";
         shutdown(\*SSL, 1);
            if(!defined($response_code)){$response_code = $_;}
            $result .= $_;
         print $remote "$command $uri $http_version\r\n$hostheader\r\n\r\n";
         while (<$remote>)
            if(!defined($response_code)){$response_code = $_;}
            $result .= $_;
         if($result =~ m/$match/mgsi)
            $success_true = 1;
         if($result !~ m/$diff/mgsi)
            $success_true = 1;
         $count_length0 = length("\t$command $uri $http_version");
         if ($count_length0 > $count_length1)
            $count_length2 = ($count_length0 - $count_length1);
            $verbose_space = " " x $count_length2;
         printf STDERR "\r     $command $uri $http_version"."$verbose_space"; 
         $count_length1 = length("\t$command $uri $http_version");
            printf STDERR "\r     $command $uri $http_version"."$verbose_space\r\n"; 
         print " ","oo00" x 12,"\r\n REQUEST:";
         print "\r\n$command $uri $http_version\r\n$hostheader\r\n\r\n RESPONSE:\r\n";
         my @lines = split(/\n/,$result);
         my $firstlines;
         for(0 .. $debug_lines)
            $firstlines .= $lines[$_];
            print " Line $_ $lines[$_]\n";
         print "\r [X] WebRoot Checking in progress:\t - ",$sucess,"/",$total;


   unlink("$resume"); # Clean up old resume files
print "\n\n [X] Scan complete\t\t\t - OK";
print "\n [X] Total attempts\t\t\t - $total";
print "\n [X] Sucessfull attempts\t\t - $sucess\n ";
print "oo00" x 12, "\r\n\r\n";

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

1 Membuat VPN Linux dengan HAMACHI

1. Download Hamachi.
2. Extract di folder yang diinginkan. #tar -zxvf hamachi- -C folder_yang_dituju
3. Buka terminal dan masuk ke directory hasil extract tadi.
4. Dalam mode root , jalankan " make install ". Tunggu proses instalasi selesai.
5. Ketikan " hamachi-init " untuk membuat identitas public dan private terenkripsi.
6. Ketikan " tuncfg "
7. Untuk memulainya ketik : " hamachi start " Untuk menjalakan service, sedangkan untuk menghentikan ketik " hamachi stop "
8. Ketikkan " hamachi login " Untuk membuat account (pertama kali) atau untuk login.
9. Ketikkan " hamachi join <network> " Untuk join ke network
10. Ketikkan " hamachi go-online <network> " Untuk online di dalam network yang dimasuki.
11. Ketikkan " hamachi get-nicks " Untuk mendownload memberlist yang ada di satu network
12. Ketikkan " hamachi list " Untuk melihat daftar member yang tergabung dalam network.
13. Download dan jalankan Hamachi GUI, bila ingin menjalankan hamachi lewat GUI x86 atau AMD64

Setelah login dan online di dalam network, coba anda ping ke sesama member, bila reply maka anda dapat berkomunikasi diantara host di dalam network.

Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

1 Perintah Dasar FTP via Command Line

Maap sebelomna agan" semua berhubung ane lg malas ngetik jadi ane copaz ajah dari forum tetangga sebelah. Semoga manpaat yah gan

Iseng abis Baca Buku Jaringan Komputer Linux.. Mari kita sharing bersama perintah dasar dalam FTP.. Okelah kalo begitu, buat anda yang sudah terbiasa transfer2an file nih yak. Biasanya yang punya hostingan sendiri nih, yang mo upload file gitu .. Nah, biasanya kan anda pake FTP Client myang make GUI nyang kinclong gitu looh.. Atau make FTP dari server tempat situ-situ pada nge hosting.. Ahh, ga seru tuh pada pakek cara begituan.. Mau keliatan Geek gak?? Wakakaka.. Biar keliatan Geek ajah, cool gitu looh.. Nah make modus teks aza, a.k.a command line.. Ajiiib dah pokonya.. Huhuhuhu…

Nah.. kalo yang mau keliatan geek cuman gak tau gimana caranya?? Jangan tanya sayah. Karena saya bukan geek.. Wekeke.. Nih ada salah satu cara aja nih.. Biar keliatan geek. Maen-maen makek console ak.a Terminal, a.k.a Shell (kata orang2 *Nix).. Nah ini ada beberapa perintah dasarnya nih.. Sok atuh di simak :

1. Perintah cd –> Di gunakan buat berpindah direktori (Ya iyalah… namanya aja cd, change directory.. yang nulis dodol nih ah.. Wakakakak…;)

2. Perintah ls –> digunakan buat nge list isi direktori (Ya iyalah, ls kan artinya list.. Wakakakaka)

3. Perintahh lcd –> digunakan buat berpindah direktori di komputer lokal (komputer kita.. ya iyalah.. Masa komputer saya.. :D )

4. Perintah mkdir –> digunakan buat bikin folder / direktori (Iyalah.. kan make direktori.. Wekekek)

5. Perintah delete / mdelete –> digunakan buat delete file. kalo mdelete di pakek buat delete beberapa file. Make parameter asteriks * –> Contoh : mdelete *.txt

6. Perintah rename –> digunakan buat nge rename nama file.

7. Perintah rmdir –> digunakan buat remove direktori

8. Perintah ! –> digunakan buat menjalankan perintah di direktori komputer lokal (alias komputer kita, bukan komputer si serper lho yah.. Wakakak.. Awas salah.. jadi kalo makek perintah !ls –> yang di ls komputer kita bro, okehh.. :D )

9. Perintah put dan mput –> digunakan buat menaruh file di server (Upload bahasa kerennya.. Wekekekek). Kalo mput buat menaruh banyak file sekaligus, make tanda atau parameter asteriks ? dan *

10. Perintah get dan mget –> digunakan buat mengambil (mengunduh bahasa kerennya.. Wakakaka) file dari server (get). Kalo mget di pakek buat mengambil banyak file. Parameternya make tanda asteriks ? dan * (sayang Obeliks nya gak Ada.. Gyahahahaha)

11. Perintah prompt –> digunakan buat ngidupin atau matiin konfirmasi tiap melakukan put atau get. Nanya dulu nih si FTP biasanya.. Kek gini –> Are you sure to marry me?? Wakakakakak. Buat matiin yang kayak gitu tadi, ketik aja prompt. Kalo mau ngidupin lagi ketik prompt lagi..

12. Perintah hash –> digunakan buat nampilin indikator proses upload dan download

13. Perintah bye atau quit –> digunakan buat mutusin koneksi FTP.. babay.. Wakakakak

14. The Last.. jeng.. jeng.. jeng.. Jurus Ampuh Perintah help –> digunakan kalo udah bingung, ga tau mau ngapain lagi.. Wkakakakaka..

Okehh.. Segitu ajah.. Ntar lanjut lagi kapan2........